Welcome to the new world of selling:

SalesTrak®Mobile for the iPad

Available Now!

Requires iOS 10.0 or later: Click here on how to upgrade using iTunes


MobilePoint is pleased to offer SalesTrak Mobile for the iPad as a free app for distributor sales representatives. SalesTrak Mobile combines four sales functions into a single app, allowing users to quickly and easily answer customer questions about products and drive sales conversations. With this powerful tool, distributor salesrepresentatives can now:

How do I get the App?

SalesTrak Mobile is available as a free app to distributor sales representatives only. First, register yourself with MobilePoint. MobilePoint will send you an e-mail confirmation. Click on the link in the e-mail to activate your account. Then go to Apple’s iTunes app store and download the SalesTrak® Mobile App onto your iPad. The first time you open the app, enter your user name (your business e-mail address) and password. The app will then present to you all the manufacturer content available to download. Tap on the manufacturers you want to download onto your iPad and you are ready to go!

Click Here for SalesTrak®Mobile F.A.Q.'s